Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The NEXTGEN system

As pilots, We are always dealing with air traffic control.  And air traffic control is always dealing with us, and jokingly trying to kill us J. That being said our ATC system is keeping us as pilots safe by ensuring separation between aircraft and providing useful and sometimes life savings information.  However we are dealing with pre WW2 technology such as Radar, VORs, and sometimes even the outdated NDB systems to provide us with our navigation.  These systems are quickly becoming outdated, and it is safe to say that the ATC system along with how we navigate will need a overhaul.

The answer to the quickly dating and failing technology of the past will be slowly being replaced by what is called NEXTGEN ATC services. I believe that this system should be in place by 2025, but I may be wrong.  This new system will basically turn the ATC system as we know it (Radar services) into a system that uses Satellite technology such as GPS, and WAAS, and even LAAS.  These systems will greatly increase the accuracy of ATC and allow for closer traffic confines, especially in the northern areas of Canada, and across the oceans of the world.  A system that is trying to install itself is the NDS-B systems.  These systems have been put into place in the northern areas of Canada and some parts of Alaska already and are working really well in providing closer separation confines of participating aircraft.

All this is fine and dandy, but who is going to pay for it.  Here in lies the question, as it will be an expensive endeavor to create these new systems.  Personally I believe that it should be government funded, but others believe it should be funded by the users of the current airspace systems, through user fees. Pilots especially GA pilots pay enough to enjoy their hobby, and therefore I believe that user fees are out of the question.  The FAA should be able to get funding for this through the numerous grant programs that the government has put into place with the various aviation acts that were enacted throughout history.


  1. ATC will be more accurate with this system, and will be able to reduce the number of errors they output. I agree with you that ATC sometimes can have those bad moments.

  2. I agree that the government should be footing a majority of the bill for this project. Finding the funding is definitely the key. People are talking about spending cuts and ways to making the government efficient. Informing the public of all the great benefits to NextGen is a definite must.

  3. I agree it should be funded thru government funding, because if GA has to pay for the costly system it would greatly diminish general aviation. I think you are right saying it will be 2025 when the system is up and running.
